
Is it safe to travel to Uganda?

Although Uganda has a long turbulent history of wars and massaccour, those are days of the past. Now it is one of the safest countries to visit. Moreover, the Ugandan people are very warm, welcoming and hospitable. One visit and your heart will forever belong to Uganda.

What is the best time to travel to Uganda?

The dry seasons of June to August and December to January are the best time to travel to Uganda. As the conditions are most ideal for gorilla and chimps tracking.

What is the average cost of Uganda Safari?

The Uganda Safari Cost depends on several factors however the average cost of Uganda safari can come up to 700$ along with 900$ for accommodations per head.

Is Uganda a beautiful country?

Nicknamed as the “ Pearl of Africa '' Uganda is a very beautiful country with awesome landscapes, the array of wildlife, rainforests and several mesmerizing lakes and rivers.

How many national parks and reserves are there in Uganda?

With an array of wildlife and housing some of the rarest and endangered species, Uganda is home to no less than 10 National parks and 12 National Reserves.

Where would I be staying during Uganda Safari?

Uganda Safaris offer various tourist accommodations in the form of safari camps and campsites in all the popular Uganda National Parks along with hotels to hostels suiting every budget.

How difficult is gorilla trekking?

For gorilla trekking, you’ve to hike through difficult terrain, water bodies, thick vegetation, hills and valleys. The activity can possess some initial challenges but in the end, it’ll be rewarding.

Is it better to see gorillas in Uganda or Rwanda?

Rwanda is a much smaller country in comparison to Uganda. But Rwanda has more than twice the number of habituated mountain gorilla groups than Uganda. Also, the permits are more easily available. As Gorilla is the main attraction, so both countries will be better to see Gorillas.

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